Tuesday 31 August 2010

Strawberries in August!!

This weekend I harvested the first strawberry of the august batch!

Strawberries in august!!

my strawberry harvest of August!

I don’t know why, but my strawberries just keep on giving fruit. I was surprised when they gave a batch in November, but now they have been giving since may and again now in august.

I think they might be the ever bearing type, but the label they come with says it is a June bearing. Also they continue to give out many runners, I have to cut some out every week, and ever bearing are supposed to give very few runners. So it's very confusing.

Strawberries on August???

this strawberry was getting big in mid august

Last month after the July harvest I thought that was the end. The plant had given out a very generous batch of several branches and then stopped giving flowers. But this time I noticed some new flowers were about to come out early august. Another week and they were at full bloom. I artificially pollinated the first flower and let the others be as nature intended.

Last week that one strawberry started to ripen and the rest started to get some volume. And finally this last weekend I harvested successfully that one strawberry. It had a very funny pear shape, very different to the ones I got this July.

Strawberry pear

Pear strawbery

Now the rest of the batch doesn’t look like it will grow more, and they didn't got enough pulp, so I guess I should have pollinated those as well. But well I'm very happy with my one pear shaped strawberry harvest, it was very sweet, one of the sweetest of this year.

I wouldn't be shocked if the plant will try to fruit some more this fall. Like i said before, of all my plants it is the one that continue to surprise me every time

Strawberry harvest of august

It was very sweet


  1. You must have a perfect mix of light, warmth and whatever else to harvest what seems to be strawberries year round. I love the pear shape!

  2. Thank you Rowena!
    I don't know why but they just keep on giving, i hope they continue

  3. Strawberry are amazing producing when they are happy.

  4. strawberry could be amazing producers when they are happy


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