About me & my little garden in japan

Hello! Welcome to my little garden in japan. It is a journal about growing a garden in a small balcony in one of the biggest cities of the world. Here are all the adventures and disadventures that happen trying to grow vegetables, fuits, herbs and flowers with a very limited space and resources.

If you have a question, comment or you just want to say hi, feel free to send me a mail


I love Japan

This is me

I was born in Mexico City, capital of Mexico. I lived there until I was 5 when we had to move to north Mexico where I stayed most my life until I finished university. Now, I am a graduate student of electronic engineering at Tokyo University in Japan. I will live in Japan for a couple more years until I finish and then we will see what is next.

My family taught me, since I was a kid, to respect and love nature, also they introduce me to gardening. It became a very strong passion since I was a kid. So, I couldn't resist to have my own little garden here in japan.


My seeds box

My garden is currently in Tokyo, Japan we have a subtropical climate with hot and humid summers and cold enough winters. The seasons are very marked; you can definitely tell when one season is over and the next starts. It only snows a couple days a year and the temperature rarely drop below freezing, also summer can be quite hot and humid but it’s not that bad. In general I think it is perfect weather for gardening, I can plant almost anything I want and it will very possibly thrive.

I live in an apartment facing south and I get nice light most of the day. I think is a great setting to grow a vegetables and flowers.

My little balcony is only 1m by 3m so I have very little space to work but I consider that a nice challenge. Here I grow a lot of plants, even with the small space. In the garden we have vegetables, herbs, flowers, trees and fruits. All of my plants have been an adventure on its own, some have worked some have not.


My little garden in japan seals!

I started this blog to keep track of everything that happens on my garden. But, I have been very lucky, and it has grown amazingly. Thanks to this blog, I had the opportunity to connect with people all around the world. I think gardening and the love of nature helps people to bond and understand each other. I hope this blog, my garden, and my time in japan will help me even more to learn about different cultures and also to teach about my own.

My little garden in japan logo

My little garden in japan banner is of course a ladybug. But is also a symbol for one of Japan's landmarks.

Torii door

The logo is composed of the very characteristic red sun of japan (japanese draw sun red, not orange or yellow) and a Torii door [鳥居・鳥栖・鶏栖]. A torii door is a traditional Japanese gate commonly found at the entrance of or within a Shinto shrine, where it symbolically marks the transition from the sacred to the profane.

This is what I was going for

Thank you very much for visiting!

If you would like to know more about my life in japan or about how this blog was created click here to check out some special posts about me
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