Hello world!
My name is Fernando. I'm an engineering student living and studying in japan.
Living abroad has been an experience that has taught me so many new things, but above all it has helped me to learn about myself. I have learned what makes me happy, and what my passions are.
And one of the most important things I have recovered is my love for gardening.
When I was a kid my dad introduced me to gardening, we used to have huge bean plants growing in the garden, and later when we moved to a different house we had fruit trees and lots and lots of flowers. I have always look back to that time as one of my happiest memories.
Luckily here in japan I was able to recover my hobby. I decided to start my own garden, learn and relearn everything I need to make it flourish and be able to enjoy it.
Now, with this blog, I will try to make a journal about how it is to have a small garden in a very little balcony in one of the biggest cities of the world
Congratulations on the start of this blog and welcome to Blotanical, our community of garden bloggers. Happy Blogging!