Sunday, 10 October 2010

Back in Japan

Finally I am back in Japan and back to the screen.

It was a very good trip, sort out the things I needed to do, spend some time with my family eat tons of good food and had lots of fun. The only problem was that I neglected the blog a little, but I learned my lesson and I will try to get more organized for next time. I'm sorry I didn't post anything or commented on other blogs.

Also I haven't forgot I promised a post on my garden in Mexico, but don’t worry I do have a lot of photos I took, and I will post them next.

For now a little getting back on track and looking how my garden stood. I left them in very good hands so this time I had no casualties and everything's seems to have continued to grow nicely.

I do have to do a little tidy up and some sort around, because some plants need some trimming and also because I need to make space to organize what I brought from Mexico.

I had a very pleasant surprise when I got back, remember the lettuce and the komatsuna I just sowed before I left? Well they certainly have been growing when I was away, now I have too many, I must thin them out soon.

My garden 0001 October 09, 2010

Komatsuna and Lettuce overload

On a side note, Komatsuna seeds are one of the most interesting seeds I have seen. I have seen a lot of seeds with very different colors and shapes, but I don’t remember other seeds with a color like this, It is a very nice blue/aqua with a glossy finish, they look great when they are all together in my seed jar.

My garden 0001 October 09, 2010-2

Komatsuna and Lettuce seeds


  1. Welcome back to Japan!

    Your gardening pot is so crowded with Komatsunas so you should thin them out.

  2. Glad you enjoyed your trip back to Mexico. It's a relief to come back home and find the garden doing well.

  3. The seeds do look interesting - we once sowed some mixed melon seeds that were different bright colours and looked as though they had been painted. Nice seeds but no melons!

  4. I love those glossy black seeds. Your little garden has done wonderfully in your absence! I look forward to seeing the pictures of Mexico.

  5. It has always been a relief to me to come back to a garden that is flourishing whenever I am away from home.

    Your plants looks healthy! They have been well-taken care when you are away. Whoever is helping you to take care of the plants have done a good job.

  6. Hi. Just stumbled across your blog. May I ask what Komatsuma is? I am not familiar with it. A salad plant as well?

  7. Thank you everybody! I am so happy my garden made it trough this time.

    Bom, thanks so much for visiting my blog, is great to have new people visiting.
    Komatsuna, also known as Japanese Mustard Spinach is a salad plant from the turnip family. It is very similar to spinach, and is used in Asian cooking specially in Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

  8. Are you harvesting them yet? It does look like an overload!

  9. Wow... your garden looks real great and productive. I am also planning to start balcony I ve a small balcony, can you please tell me from where I can buy seeds and plants in Tokyo, around Kinchicho will be better for me. Thanks.

    Keep it up


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