Friday 1 October 2010

Seeds from Mexico

I have a delay on working on the garden because my fish tank suddenly got a leak, so all my attention was on that. For now the fish are Ok, but now I don’t have much time left for the garden and is almost time to go back to japan.

Yesterday I was finally able to do something garden related. I went to shop for some seeds. This city doesn’t have that much of a "grow yourself from seeds culture", so I had some trouble finding some. We usually buy the grown plant from the nursery, by trades or even collect plants and seeds from the wild. After some looking around I was able to get some nice seeds at little stores and supermarkets. I still have one more place to go, so I will probably get some more.

Here is what I got so far

my garden 0072 October 01, 2010

Seeds from Mexico

  • Desert plants (Cactus, Nopal, Maguey, and more) It would not be Mexico if you don’t have a fair amount of cactus.

  • Zempasuchitl The Mexican marigold, this particular type has a very intense scent, I hope it can get me some butterflies.

  • Chile poblano A very common Mexican type of chili pepper, one of Mexico signature dishes is made with this, I don’t think I can recreate, because I still need so many other ingredients, but I can have a bit of Mexico flavor at home.

  • Epazote This one is a common herb in Mexican food, is a bit spicy and goes well with stew.

  • Chile chipotle Other of Mexico signature chili, this one will require a bit more preparation since we usually have them dry, but I hope I can learn how to do it and get me some good sauces.

I hope this plants get to grow in Japan, I think they will with proper care, but I won't find out until next year.

I got way more that I could have in japan, so you will probably hear about a giveaway some time in the future, keep on checking.


  1. I'm glad that you rescued the fish! Must admit to being a bit wary about chillies after having had burning hands for several days after handling what i thought were mild ones last year!

    Look forawrd to hearing about how your seeds grow

  2. It will be nice to grow some of your familiar plants from Mexico in Japan. I hope they do well for you.

  3. Ha, it's so hard not to seed shop isn't it? Goodness only knows I don't need any, but I picked up a handful of seed packets the other day. Seeing as I wintersow, now is the time of year that I start gathering all of my supplies.

  4. It will be interesting to see how epazote does for you in Japan. I understand that it grow well--almsot too well, like a weed--even in New York. In my Southern California garden a single plant ten years ago has reseeded itself all over my garden. At least I know I'll never run out of the herb!


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