Friday, 15 October 2010

My little garden in japan october 2010

A little late but here is a quick check on how my little garden in japan has done this month

  • All my lettuces and kalanchoes continue to overflow their pot. I cut some away, but they are still so many.

  • The old strawberry died, it didn't make it while I was in mexico, but I guess that was expected.

  • I got a new geranium, and some new strawberries, I will make sure to take extra care this time, and plant them in two pots.

  • I also got a crave for herbs lately. I got a lemon thyme and tomorrow I plan on buying more.

  • From Mexico I got an aloe and a maguey. I don’t know if they will have enough light to grow here, but I guess is worth to try.

  • I sow a new bed of lettuce, kalanchoe and one or two coriander in the pot where the strawberries used to be. They are already sprouting.

  • The roses have been flowering a lot, and i am thinking if I should get a new red rose.

  • I have a lot of mints growing because I separated the plant, now I dont know what to do with it.

All the other plants continue to grow happily. They are all doing great.

And for last, Here is my submission to blooming day, is a small one but I hope is good

My garden 0097 October 16, 2010

The rose has been blooming a lot lately

My garden 0096 October 10, 2010

My globe amaranth continues to flower

My garden 0095 October 10, 2010

New geranium flowers


  1. Really like the geranium blossom - the splash of red bordered by white is quite attractive.

  2. I have to agree... that geranium bloom is most impressive! L

  3. Your garden is doing very well. Few but all very beautiful!

  4. It's nice to see some blooms in amongst your veggies.

  5. I love your globe amaranth, great color on a healthy looking plant. I think half of the fun of bloggers bloom day is getting ideas of what you might want to try in your garden.

  6. Beautiful pictures. And lovely colors.
    Have a great week-end.

  7. Great jobs on your garden this year.

    I feel like to list up what I've done in my garden to reflect like you.

  8. I LOVE lemon thyme. Mine gets so huge I have to cut it way back a couple times every summer. I bring the cuttings in to work to share and everyone loves the heavenly smell as much as I do. This year I also got some lime thyme that seems to be doing just as well.

  9. Thank you! I really like this geranium, I could not decide if get this color or a white one to replace my white one that died.

  10. I agree on the geranium and I also really like that little rose - it is such a saturated shade of yellow.


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