Wednesday 2 March 2011

My little garden in japan moves to a new balcony

The past week was all about finding a new house. Housing in Japan is extremely expensive, specially in Tokyo. So, most houses that could suit a garden are way too far from my budget. It was a very big and tiring quest. Finally, after seeing more than 20 different houses, there is one that works perfectly. It is big enough, and it has a nice morning and midday sunlight, just perfect for growing a nice garden.


My little balcony garden in November 2010

I found that the hardest part was finding one that has good sunlight. Most cheap apartments are facing north or are buried deep at the bottom of a group of skyscrapers. Getting one with a big balcony was very troublesome too. Most apartments doesn't even have a balcony, just a little edge to maybe put some plants. There was no way I could fit all my plants in there.


My little balcony garden in December 2010

Luckily the new apartment has everything I need. Is definitely better over all. Bigger, newer and more convenient. And, Is right in the middle of Tokyo, so no more one hour commute. But, there are some things I will miss. The new place is on a second floor, so no more sky rise view, and no more nice sunset, although I will probably will get a nice sunrise, but I don't think I will be awake for that (summer sunrise is around 4am). Also, no more having the garden center 5 minutes away, which, by the way, reminds me that I need to find where to get plants at the new place.


My little balcony garden in January 2011

Hopefully the trade off will be good, being closer to the ground I might get more visits from butterflies and bees; I hardly get any all the way up here. And the bigger balcony is always welcomed. Of course, since I will have more space now, it just means one thing. I will probably will go on a plant shopping spree to fill every spot, and be complaining about not having enough room for more plants very soon. But what else could I do? Not get any more plants? Impossible!


I will miss this sunset


  1. Finding room for plants in a larger city is always challenging. I hope you and your plants enjoy the new place. I never really thought about not getting butterflies because of being in a highrise. I would miss not seeing them in the summer.

  2. That last photo is gorgeous, and to think that it was taken from a balcony!! i can't believe how many plants you fit into your little space...but gardening is good for the soul so I understand why you can't stop :)

    Another plus to your new garden is that more people can enjoy it, the flowers and the smells and you may even encourage some new people to take up your hobby. (I hope though it's not too noisy)

  3. Congrats on the new place. I hear Tokyo is really pricey, even more than NYC! Happy gardening.

  4. Exciting! Shame about the sunsets, but how wonderful to have more space. Look forward to seeing what you do with it.

  5. I certainly agree you are likely to miss sunsets like the one in the last photo.

    I hope you continue to have enough light for your plants and enjoy your new home.


  6. Good to know you've found the right place Fer! And the balcony gets lots of sun for your plants to grow healthily :)

  7. Good luck with your move. It sounds like you've done well to find an apartment with a large enough balcony.

  8. I hope you are soo settled into your new apartment. You must be looking forward to filling your larger balcony. Good luck!

  9. Fer, your enthusiasm for gardening always makes it a pleasure to visit your blog. I'm happy for you that you no longer have the one hour commute...more time for gardening. The prospect of seeing more bees and butterflies is exciting. The sunset photo really does need to be framed and displayed where you can enjoy it. It's simply gorgeous. Stunning.


  10. Congratulations on your new balcony! Sunsets are nice, but so are plants. I think I'd rather have more plants than watch sunsets. I'm a morning person, though, so maybe I'm biased!

  11. Cheers for you Fer to have found that 'perfect' new home for yourself and your plants! Hope all of you have many many more happy moments together and more new plants to grace your new balcony too! Happy moving!

  12. Your balcony garden is your delightful space to pursue your love for plants. Happy gardening!

  13. You will miss the old place but will be excited to move to the new balcony that can fit in more plants. That's a good news :)

  14. Thank you very much! I went to the new place today. It doesn't have a nice sunset, but I did get a nice surprise from the view. I will post about it later.

  15. Fer, you will NEVER have a balcony big enough for the number of plants you want. Plants expand to fit the space available! Hope your move to the new place goes smoothly.

  16. Fer, Congratulations on your new home. I hope your plants will love it too. I hate moving. We lived in one home for 18 years and moved to the Garden Spot two years ago. I am still trying to adjust. The worst part was leaving behind a beautiful garden and my cherished plants. At least you can take yours along. Looking forward to see how your life in Tokyo goes. Love that last photo!

  17. Congratulations on the new apartment! I hope the pros beat out the cons in the end. Too bad you'll be giving up that beautiful sunset!

  18. Glad that you have find new home for you and your plants!
    The last pic is awesome!

  19. I know what you mean about the 'space'! Hope all your plants will strive even better at the new place soon. Keep us posted! And happy garden shopping!

  20. Can't wait to see your new garden in your new balcony.Hmmm... I can just imagine how difficult to find a place in Tokyo. When I was studying in Niigata it just take me 10minutes walk to my labarotary.

  21. Congratulations Fer! Are you still in Yokohama? How will you transfer your plants? Funny, I am more worried about your plants than the furniture. More space is a very good excuse to go out and buy plants and seeds. I hope there is a garden center nearby that is as big as the previous one you posted about.

  22. An exciting new challenge - I'm sure after a few visits to the garden centre all that new space will be filled!

  23. Congrats on finding a new place! I stayed in Japan for a while before so I do understand how difficult it is to find a suitable place! Your balcony is amazing and I do like that picture with the sunset very much!

    BTW Fer, I've passed on an award to you for your blog. Pls do see this post for more details..

  24. Congratulations on your new home! Very exciting to be in a new space.
    (And I certainly understand the difficulty of housing in Japan.)
    Take care, and imagine me dropping by with a housewarming gift;-))

  25. Good luck in your new home. I hope the plants like it there. And I hope you find a good garden centre in Tokyo and share it with us.

  26. Congratulations on the new apartment. It is a shame that you will lose the nice sunset. Perhaps a small chair on the new balcony to enjoy the outside - no plants on the chair ! You could maybe hang some plants instead or put out a multi-shelved unit to accommodate the overflow.

  27. Congratulations and good luck to you on your new home and new balcany for your plants. Moving is never easy but it sounds like you made a good choice. More room...more garden..a good thing! :)

  28. Glad to see you have found an apartment with a larger balcony, I am sure all will work out well in spite of the loss of your sunset. That sunset picture is an award winner.

  29. Hi Fer,
    How are things going where you are? I can't remember whether you are moved in yet. I had to come here to see if you were moving to Mexico. I see it's just a trip. Are you in Mexico or Japan right now?

    I hope you are safe. Please let us know how you are doing. I'm sorry about the horrible earthquake and tsunami. I've been at work, and have not been able to hear much of the news coverage, but CNN is on while I'm on my lunch break. It doesn't sound so good.

    You and your country are in my prayers.

  30. Moving is really tough especially if you have found the perfect home already. I feel your pain. Good luck to your move!


    new home


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