Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Seedlings and sproutings

Even though spring had arrived to Tokyo since last month, it was still a little cold. But not any more, May has brought us warmer temperatures, which are great for having the seeds sprout. Over the past week almost all of the seeds and bulbs I had on the ground started coming out. It is great seeing the garden growing like that, I can't wait to see them all developed.


All the seeds just sprouted!

The first seeds to take off were the komatsuna and the bekana. Those are some of the strongest greens I know, they always sprout very fast and easy. I even have to take care or they overrun the lettuces completely when I put them on the same planter.

On the veggie planters all of the companion plants are out and growing. I sowed some basil and zempazuchitl to go along with the tomatoes and to go along the greens, I planted some beans. They all seem to be doing well, specially the flowers, which already are on their second set of leaves.


This basil was given to me by Diana

Also, the seeds I got from Diana from Kebun Malay-Kadazan girls are sprouting. I put all of the flowers on one same pot, so I am not sure which ones are what, but I am sure they will all grow nicely.

To add to my bulbs basket I got a very nice dahlia, which I plant right between the tulips. It just came out of the ground at the same time the tulips started to dry off and fade. Also, getting ready for the bulb basket, my calla lily bulbs are growing very well too. Hopefully they will put a nice show, just like last year. I even got some new bulbs on different colors, but they are leftovers and are very small, so I am not sure if they will flower yet.


The second batch of calla lily

The latest to pop out were the pumpkins seeds I collected last Halloween. I was a bit worried because they took too long, so I sowed all of my seeds, now there are so many seedlings, definitely much more than I can grow.

I am still waiting for a couple of chilies, but I trust they will sprout soon. I even have some backup plants that I am not sure I can keep if they all grow successfully.


No idea if these beans will fruit

My only concern now is if the beans and the pumpkins will be able to give fruit. I got all of those seeds by collecting them, and I have no idea if they are hybrids or not. I guess I don’t have a choice but to wait and see.

Also, while we are on the topic of seeds, I wanted to do a giveaway this spring, but now is a bit late in the sowing season. I think, maybe I can still get some seeds in time to those living close. So, anybody living close to Tokyo, please send me an email or a twit.

For those of you who live abroad, I will make a proper giveaway later, just need to sort a couple things around.


The zempazuchitl seedlings are out

I don't have a big quantity, but I do have a good selection of "very hard to find in Japan" seeds. Here is what I have available:

  • Chile ancho
  • Chile pasilla
  • Chile chipotle
  • Chile guajillo
  • Chile poblano
  • Zempazuchitl (mexican marigold)
  • Mexican mixed varieties cactus

And I also have a lot of extra thyme seeds and pumpkin seedlings

If you want to start your garden, or expand your existing one feel free to ask

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  1. Hope you do get some beans and pumpkin although if the pumpkin is large maybe you will need to move home again!

  2. What a great collection of seedlings. I used to grow Mexican sunflower in Virginia, just love the soft leaves. Maybe I will find a place for it in my new garden- it sure attracted the butterflies. Am growing Calla Lilies for the first time....Black Beauty and Black Star. Hope they do well.

  3. We tried growing seeds from supermarket-saved pumpkin and melon seeds and we did get some nice harvest from it. I am sure in your hands, that pumpkin will give you some to harvest. I keep on wondering what is zempazuchitl, until I saw you seed list. Glad that those seeds are now seedlings in your garden. I am very intrigued with the chili seeds that you have, mexican marigold and cactus. Oh wow, I wonder how cactus seeds look like and to see them growing stage by stage.

  4. Hooray for new seedlings! Glad yours are doing well! Happy spring!

  5. You know just how much Marksvegplot would like to get its hands on some genuine Mexican chilli seeds - from MEXICO!...

  6. Seing seeds sprout is always exciting Fer :)

  7. Your little sprouts are awesome. We planted pumpkins last summer and they crossed with the butternut squash. We planted the giant ones for the grandkids' halloween jack o lanterns. They took up a lot of room. I hope your patio garden has room. You may have to trellis them. Good luck. When they mature, I'll send you my recipe for pumpkin pie! And thanks for the warm welcome back. cheers. ann

  8. I wish i had a "greener" thumb :( I do love plants but I am not very good at giving them a good home. Cats and Dogs do thrive around me though ;)

  9. What lovely sprouts you have! Am sure you'll get a great harvest...although you may be overtaken by vines!

  10. Thank you very much! I hope the little seedlings do well, they are already grown quite a bit

  11. fer, It’s another wonderful rainy Spring day, so I’m taking time to look over the Blogs I follow. Wanted to see what you have been up to. Seems all the seeds are doing fine. Here it is still too cool to get started with the seeds out in the garden. I do have daffodils, scilla, miniature Iris and some other plants blooming, but this Spring has been a long time coming. Still pretty chilly at night. Hope all is well for you. I'll check in again soon. Jack

  12. They will grown and they will give you so much. Great post.


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