Monday, 13 June 2011

The calla lilies are blooming

This year I have a lot of calla lilies growing in the garden, and they all seem to be growing very well. I have my old and reliable batch of pink callas that started from a single plant, and now also a bunch of assorted different colored ones.


Now I have a lot of colors for the calla lily

Seeing so many flowers is great, because I wasn't expecting many calla flowers this summer. I had a small hiccup early this year when the bulbs I stored indoors started sprouting in mid winter. I took them out to sleep once again, but I thought that they will lose their strength and give very few flowers when the season came.


The pink ones are blooming nicely

Also, I wasn't expecting many flowers from the new plants. When I got those they were just a batch of unhealthy looking and very small bulbs. I had no idea what colors or types they were, just that they were different. My plan was to grow them for a year and to let them gain strength, then on the next season I would see what colors I got and plan accordingly.


This yellow calla lily was a nice surprise

So, I am very happy to see many nice callas blooming. The pinks are doing well, and from the new ones I got three different colors so far, but there are other 3 plants that I think will bloom too.

I usually let flowers be at the garden and not cut them from the plant, but occasionally I like taking a couple blooms in the house just to enjoy having them inside too. The calla lilies are great for that because they make amazing cut flowers. They last long, look very good and the plant recovers very well from plucking some blooms.


Calla lilies make great cut flowers

I think they look great on a bottle of wine, what do you think?


  1. They do look good in a narrow necked vase - I agree. Do you have trouble with lily beetles or are there none in Japan?


  2. Fer, your Calla lilies look terrific and such beautiful pictures. I have never grown them, think I will give them a try.

  3. Dear Fer, Your calla lilies are beautiful. I have just the plain white ones, but love the soft, pastel colors of yours. The wine-bottle arrangement is gorgeous. P.

  4. My sister has one as a pot plant in the house that is just producing leaves at the moment so fingers crossed - it should have a really dark - almost black flowers.

  5. I love Calla lilies, gorgeous flowers!

  6. Fer, you obviously have the Magic Touch, if you can get those lilies to do so well despite so many problems. Not sure about your wine though - it looks very like Methylated Spirit!

  7. So beautiful. You have spark my interest on growing them...Oh where can I find them now here:).

  8. The photo of the calla lily in the bottle could be the cover of a magazine! I have a calla lily I planted last year. They are hardy here, so I left them in the ground. So far it has produced only one bloom. Beautiful, but I want more like yours!

  9. They are sooo beautiful. I feel like I need to grow them too.

  10. Fer - Your calla lilies look like water colour paintings. Beautiful.

  11. I have white calla lilies that are blooming now, but would love some other colors. They are easier to grow than I expected and multiply rapidly.

  12. Luv your pics and I will definitely go and buy me some more (I moved and left the old ones in the garden)

  13. They are so beautiful! So elegant and the texture of the colour is gorgeous. Looks like a soft paintbrush has painted the colours on!

  14. They look very attractive in the wine bottle. Glad the plants are doing so well.

  15. Beautiful flowers. Interesting that everyone in the Northern Hemisphere seems to call them Calla lilies, we call them Arum Lilies. They originate from my part of the world- Southern Africa and I have a lot of the white ones in my garden. (Zantedeschia aethiopica). The yellow varieties occur further north in our country and I think a lot of the new colours are hybrids - but still pretty.

  16. Very pretty - they really do make a lovely bouquet! I tried the colored species/hybrids many years ago and could not get them to grow well but maybe I should give them a try again sometime.

  17. they are beautiful, because they are used a lot in white, as funeral flowers over here, i dont like them in my garden. In color they are very beautiful and dont remind me of funerals :) they look very classy in that purple vase.

    greetings from holland!
    (google wont let me sign in for commenting on other blogs, but i am the writer of "hare majesteits tuin" )

  18. In the bottle they look so beautiful. Amazing.

  19. They are beautiful!!! You must have green fingers :-). My white calla lilies are coming out too now, although is Winter in New Zealand, in Auckland we have a strange pattern of flowering :-).

    Ciao and nice blog, I will follow you!


  20. Pretty enough to brighten the house! You have good collection of lilies!

  21. Thank you very much! It was great growing those callas. I am sure they will be great in any garden

    Esther ~ we do have some beetles here, but my callas are some of the least attacked plants in my garden, most beetles like munching on the strawberries and the dalias better.

    Mark ~ haha, i didn't knew about spirit, but yeah, it looks so much like it. That bottle came from lavender wine, lavender is famous in north Japan.

    garden girl ~ From what I know calla lilies are the elliottiana and rehmannii Zantedechias and arum lily is the aethiopica. But i think now everybody just calls them however they know them haha. Aside from the color it is hard to distinguish them apart


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