Saturday 15 January 2011

The rosemary is blooming in winter!

Last December was a bit more warm than expected, and that brought a couple consequences to my little garden.

The main effect, I had already mention it, was the tulips sprouting way ahead of time. They have slowed down they growth now, but somehow it feels like a time bomb now. Hopefully they will be ok.

However the warm weather did came with other more beneficial results. The strawberries got a late, but much needed, last growth. They still have a couple leafs half out, but I think now they might be strong enough to hold on during winter. Another well received consequence was the flowers lasting longer. According to what I knew, a couple of the flowers in my garden should have gone to sleep by now, but they are still blooming nicely.


My rosemary is blooming in mid winter

And the final and least expected result was the rosemary suddenly flowering. The slight heatwave got to her. It starting forming a bunch of little buttons late December and now they are opening. It still has quite some unopened, but the cold weather is finally reaching us. I hope they get to bloom before the hard winter hits; They do look very pretty.

I added this entry to bloom day! at may dreams gardens

And remember, the carnival is on the 17th!

Be ready with a post about what do you plan on doing at your garden this year, maybe about one particular plant you want to have, a renovation you will do, a special patch you will grow, a new gardening technique you will give a try, or any other project you have prepared for this new year.


  1. Hi Fer, still in the dead of Winter here in Scotland, not a single flower to be seen at the moment. The first to show very soon will be the Hamamelis Mollis. Hope your Winter is short.

  2. Nice to see the flowers of rosemary, cute and purple, my favourite colour. How come your rosemary can bloom with a bit of heat but mine with plenty of heat, though I put them in the shade,takes soo long to grow, and much more to bloom!

  3. Hi fer, I would really love it if I had some fresh herbs right now.


  4. The flowers are a nice bonus at this time of year. I love Rosemary - it is so aromatic.

  5. Here in the UK, my lilac has been flowering on and off since last May - which is when it is meant to flower. I saw tiny flowers just before and just after the really cold patch we had over December. I'm worried that it'll be too exhausted to put on its usually show in May,

  6. How lovely to find such surprises in your garden. The Rosemary flowers are so pretty and I hope those strawberries hold on!

  7. Our rosemary seemed determined to flower for most of the year too.

  8. Very pretty purplish flower. My one year old Rosemary have not bloom for me.

  9. What I have on my mind is already commented by p3chandan. Perhaps she and I are from the same country, therefore we face the same situation.

  10. Our rosemary plants are flowering too... think they do so all year round in our garden... I enjoy drinking rosemary tea which we make from the dried leaves...

  11. Your rosemary is lovely and I wish I had some herbs in the kitchen window. I forgot to bring them in from the cold and lost them.

  12. The rosemary is lovely and always smells so nice when you bring a couple of sprigs into the house! Happy Bloom Day :)

  13. We are under a complete snow cover and expecting more today, and I have no flowering houseplants so no GBBD for me. I can enjoy all the Southern Hemisphere and California participants and yours too.

  14. Hi, Fer. As you saw when you read my post, I have rosmarinus officianalis in my garden as well and the bees love it. My 'Tuscan Blue' has not bloomed in four years, but yesterday, I saw that it has two blooms! -- in the middle of one of the coldest winters we have experienced. This is just one reason I love is unpredictable and keeps me curious : ) Happy gardening and blessings to you.

  15. What a lovely surprise! Hope it flowers before the cold gets to it.

  16. Yay! I love when rosemary gets going in the winter. Right now my backyard is coated in snow so I think I'd have to cheat and go buy a blooming houseplant to participate in GBBD today. :)

  17. Rosemary is one herb I rely on in the winter. Not only for savoury dishes, I've also experimented with it in sweet dishes.

  18. Hi Fer! It does look lovely! How beautiful a longer flowering period can be!

  19. I do love rosemary blooms. Or even rosemary not in bloom. Great plant.

  20. aloha fer,

    what sweet blooms, have you used them in your cooking (they are just as good as the plants)

  21. So nice to see your blooming rosmary flowers. Mine has bloomed and died back in the heat of the tropics :(

  22. I can't live without Rosemary and am thankful mine is still 'indoor' happy :) Good luck with yours fer!

  23. That's awesome! Winter shouldn't be so cold in Japan...

  24. Hi fer,

    Rosemary is such a wonderful plant, even when it isn't blooming. I just love the fragrance! I've got rosemary blooms at Our Little Acre, too!

  25. The flowers are cute and beautiful! -My rosemary has never bloomed.

  26. In milder winters Rosemary will bloom here all winter. It's so nice to see flowers this time of year -- all the more treasured because they are scarce. Have a good weekend!

  27. Thanks for sharing your blooms... It makes me want spring and fresh herbs even more!

  28. Any unexpected flowers are welcome in winter. There aren't many around my garden at the moment.

  29. Your rosemary looks sooo cute!!! Do you have a 'button' i can use in my blog for your blog? I love ''green blogs''!

  30. I have a rosemary plant that has never bloomed!! Ugh!! Yours is really pretty. Mine iss big and healthy but always flowerless. I think it's time for Rosemary to meet Mr. Worm Compost...

  31. Happy bloomday! My rosemary blooms for half the year, and is doing just that right now. I hope yours keeps going. For us strawberries are best when it's cool, so hopefully yours do well, even though it's cold for you.

  32. I have too a rosemary in my garden. I love how it smell.

  33. Thank you very much! It is great to see those little surprises that the garden bring us

    donkey and the carrot ~ I am working on some buttons and badges. I will post them later. Thank you!


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