Thursday 9 December 2010

My little garden in japan December 2010

Hello everybody!
I am sorry for my little absence this past week. I suddenly got very busy with school and other things and I had to concentrate all my effort on it. It got me in the middle of the carnival, so I did not had a chance to finish seeing all the great favorite plants you input. The good news is that I am free now and I will get to see all the great post that joined. Thank you!

I am very happy! The carnival was a complete success. I did not expected more than 20 submissions , but we got almost 50. Thank you very much to everyone that participated and also to those who came for a visit to see all the great posts. I appreciate the effort, the time and the encouragement. It was great hosting and having everybody drop by here.

I think after this it would be great to have more, but first we have to come up with a new theme and date, preferably next year to have some time for the holidays and to freshen up. Maybe a new year gardening resolutions post carnival would be nice? What do you guys think, any ideas?

Thank you again, I have been enjoying blogging and meeting everybody. It has been really a blast.


My little garden in december

Ok, now for the status of my little garden lately.

  • The cold frame V2.0 is working, The sprouts are big and healthy, they will need to be taken outside soon.

  • There have been some really strong winds lately, so my flowers are a bit bald, but I am sure they will recover soon.


Winter cosmos is a bit fragile, and always get very hurt by the wind but it recovers quickly and nicely

  • The strawberries seem to have caught some strength, because all of them are developing new leaves, even the one in quarantine.

  • The globe amaranth started to dry, but it was to be expected of the annual, I am surprised it lasted so long. Other flowers are also starting to get to the end of their season, but I think they will still last a bit more.

  • The geranium are still blooming, but they don't seem to have any new buttons, so I am guessing those are their last flowers for the season.


The beautiful last geranium flowers of the season

  • The herbs are doing great too. They seem to be growing very nicely. Only the dill suffered a bit from the winds because it one of the tallest. It was swinging so hard that I thought it will get torn away, and I put it in. I think that save it and it didn't got any real damage.

  • The grapevine, the maple and the blueberries started to drop the leafs, I think winter is finally coming.

  • All the rest of the plants seem to be doing great.


The stock still has beautiful flowers

I have been a bit stingy on water for them because I don't want to have any powdery mildew like last year, but they seem to be happy even so.

How about you? how is your garden lately?


  1. And your stocks should give you some perfume too. Not wind that is the trouble here at the moment just ice and snow.

  2. Dear Fer, There still seems to be a lot of activity in your garden. Mine has been tucked up in bed for some time now and will re-emerge in early Spring. The very cold and icy weather in the UK has meant for some magical snow and frost scenes but not so good for getting about!!

  3. There are still beautiful blooms in your garden eventhough it's already in winter. Our trouble here is monsoon, too much rain!

  4. Hi Fer; good to see you back in circulation again. I had been wondering why you were so uncharacteristically silent! Hope the studying pays off in the end...
    My garden is not doing much at present -- the temperatures in the UK have been very cold just recently, and things are really just "surviving" rather than growing. I wish I had geraniums flowering like you do, but mine are all indoors now, and pruned very hard to keep them from going soft over Winter.

  5. I will add my voice to those who are amazed that your little garden is still going strong. Personally I haven't seen the lawn or ground for weeks due to the snow!

  6. Your little balcony garden still have beautiful colours from the blooms! I enjoyed the carnival too so hope to have many more in the future..Happy holidays to you!

  7. The geranium have pretty bloom! a bit like periwinkle! You have lovely garden!

  8. Your little garden probably has more varieties of flowers than I do.

  9. Your little garden is going so well! Bravo!
    It's no time for gardening here in northern Italy, at the moment we have 4°C outside here. I'll have to be patient until the end of March ... :(

  10. Hi again Fer; About your idea for another blog carnival: I think it would be great to do another one -- maybe towards the end of January, when everyone will need cheering-up after the holidays have been forgotten. Your idea of "New Year Resolutions" is good. A variation on this theme could be: name the plant you most want to grow this next year, and say why.

  11. Dear Fer - even now your little garden is still charming. Particularly like the delicate Cosmos.


  12. The gardens in Croatia are under the deep cover of snow at the moment. You can check it out on my blog. By the way, thank you for the visit.
    I like Mark's idea for the next blog carnival. Let's all write the post about the plant we want to grow the next season... Bye for now.

  13. Hello Fer, thank you again for hosting the carnival! I like your idea of garden resolutions - was actually thinking about them earlier today. Your little garden still looks so sunny and vibrant!

  14. It sounds like you've been quite busy. I enjoyed your flower photos. Stock is one of my favorite annuals to grow. I love the color of yours.

  15. Your garden looks to be still going strong, plenty of colour still to be had. Enjoy it while it lasts.

  16. Thank you very much! Is great to be back. and being a bit less busy. Also, I think I am lucky in here is not that much snow.

    I love the idea of the next carnival being about choosing one plant for the new year garden resolutions.

  17. Hi Fer. You have great progress in your garden Well done! I enjoy every post you wrote here.

  18. Hi Fer,
    I was wondering too about when your next carnival would be. Am looking forward to it.Good luck with your exams and studies as well.


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