Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New year! and the best gardening for 2011!

One very interesting thing I discovered here in japan, is that seals are a very big thing. They are very used, mainly as signatures, but I have seen them applied in many other ways.

So, since I was trying to make an identity for my garden and the blog, of course I could not be left behind. I looked around but having them made was too expensive for me, so decided to make one myself. I browsed around some stores and they had a lot of do it yourself tools and material for making them. It was very easy and cheap enough.


My little garden in japan seals!

To make them I just printed the image and pasted to the seal rubber temporarily for reference, then I carved it with a little knife cutter. I did two of them with different designs that go together, that way I was able to have two colors on it. It takes some good alignment and to wash it every time is used, to keep the inks to stain each other. The result is a bit rough, but I like it. I already use it for the mint labels I gave away to my friends at tokyoDIYgardening.

What do you think?

Now on a different topic, how about another blog carnival for starting the year?
I think most of you are having a new year resolutions post. So I think it would be a good idea to put them together.

Just a post about what do you plan on doing at your garden this next year, maybe about one particular plant you want to have, a renovation you will do, a special patch you will grow, a new gardening technique you will give a try, or any other project you have prepared for this new year.

I think between 15 and 20 of the month will be great, what do you think? Please let me know on the comments.


Happy new year!

And so we reach the end of another year! I hope It has been a great year for everybody.

Keep posted, I have so much more planed for next year, many projects and ideas I want to try.

Happy New year, Wish you the best for 2011!


  1. Your 'Inkan' is very pretty. Can't wait for another blog carnival. Happy New Year to you. We are already 5 minutes into 2011 here.

  2. Great job! fer!
    Your seal will make your communications like not only your blog but your letters and even things you use in your daily life so attractive that anyone can recognize you with your stamp!
    How are you gonna spend new year holidays in Japan? Are you eating Mochi?
    Anyway, I'm very happy to know you and your blog this year and hope strongly our gardening will be great and productive in 2011!

  3. Happy new year Fer! I see you're entering in 2011 in a few minutes!!!

  4. Hi Fer; Happy New Year! I love the seals - so distinctive and personal. I also like your new blog page heading, with the Poinsettias.
    Re the blog carnival: I'm up for it. Just name the day!

  5. Keep us posted on the carnival. I have all sorts of plans for my garden this coming year.
    Love your seal, well done.

  6. I thought you computer-printed your labels in previous post but they were from your own made seals! You said it is easy to make but i don't think it is easy to print 2 colours in one label though. Very pretty and cute seal!

  7. Your seal stamp looks great! Hope you have a very happy New Year!

  8. Happy new year everybody! here it is 1:50 am now

    takaeko ~ I planing on going around a bit for new year, but I haven't decided where, my guess is that everything will be full haha

    milka ~ Is very easy, just take a bit of aim to have them well aligned.

  9. Your stamp is very nice. You must be a very patient person! The meme sounds great and I would love to play. Happy New Year fer - it has been fun reading your blog!

  10. I think your seal is great, very distinctive. Happy New Year, fer. I've enjoyed reading your blog in 2010 and I look forward to many more posts in 2011.

  11. Dear Fer, Your stamp is beautiful! I so enjoy reading your blog and learning more about Japan! Many Blessings for the New Year! Happiest of New Years to you and yours.

  12. Great job, it's a beautiful idea.
    I wish you a happy new year.

  13. I wish you a Happy New Year


  14. I love your seal!
    I'll try to sift through our many gardening plans and find one to post. Meantime best wishes for a Happy New Year.

  15. Those tags are absolutely adorable!

    May your little garden in Japan continue to flourish in the new year!

  16. Happy 'Gardening' New Year :)

  17. Very nice logo.. very cute and creative you are :)

  18. Happy New Year, Fer! I wish you and your family all the best in 2011.

    Seals are great!

  19. Reminds me of potato printing with my class when I was a primary teacher. We did lino-cutting too but nowadays that would be considered too dangerous!

  20. Very distinctive seal Fer, I would be pleased to send a posting for the carnival. Happy New Year.

  21. I love your seal fer, simple but effective. Count me in for the blog carnival, I have a head full of plans...

  22. I love the seal. The carnival idea too. Happy New Year!

  23. Thank you very much!
    So great to have so many people in for the carnival! I think the 15 will do .

  24. that is great!

    Happy New Year to you!

  25. oh I like that kind of resolution. I have more garden projects lined up than I can possibly cope with, the question will be which ones get priority!

  26. I love your new seal! Very pretty! Thanks for visiting my blog today. I wish you a prosperous 2011!

  27. Thanks for visiting my site and welcoming to blotanical! I love the idea of using a seal and the uniqueness of making your own. Wishing you the best in the new year!

  28. Happy New Year, fer. I love the seal. I wonder if could make one. Your logo is actually very marketable. Maybe t-shirts?

  29. Happy New Year, fer. I look forward to your 2011 projects.

  30. Happy New Year! Great idea for a carnival. I am trying some new veggies in my garden this year. I will post in the carnival on the 15th and am looking forward to hearing what others will be doing in their gardens.

  31. Love your ladybug. I'm entering my "non-gardening" season, a time of year when I can focus on other interests. If I get inspired by an idea for my new gardening year, I'll post it.

  32. Oh, your ladybug seal is super adorable. We are in the depths of winter with lots more to come, even though I posted a spring flower, foxglove, on my blog just to cheer us all up. I think this year I will be better about getting lots more compost on the beds, and doing it both in the early spring AND in the late fall. This year it just got away from me.

  33. Happy New Year. Thank you for visiting my page.
    They are very cute seal,fer.
    Enjoy your gardening!

  34. Good idea Fer. I would like to join the Carnival. Happy Little Gardening in the New year ! PS. Your logo really stands out in lists of profiles. Everyone I know smiles when they see a ladybird.

  35. Thank you very much!

    Is great to know my little logo is so recognized, and I would definitely love to have it on T-shirts.

    The carnival will be on the 15th, thank you for your input.

  36. I love finding ladybugs in my garden - great stamp, and love the carnival idea too.

  37. You're such a creative person!

  38. I love stamp making and your double color set is very cool!!! I'm actually working on designing my blog with handmade stamps right now, but they're taking me a long time. I've been working on it for over a month.

    I love your blog carnival idea (and the middle of the month sounds great -- or maybe the 20th is even better so it isn't the same day as GBBD).

  39. Also, you should consider letterboxing as a hobby, you already have the stampmaking part down:

  40. Fer, I love your labels. They are wonderful and evoke just the right spirit. I'll play your game soon. I just need to finish a couple of posts moving in my head.~~Dee


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