Spring is already here in Tokyo, and it really shows on my little garden in Japan. Most of the plants are flowering or about to and everything is getting revitalized. It is nice to see the garden so alive, but it also reminds me that there is a lot of work to do.
All around, the garden is doing great. I look forward to the rest of the season.
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- Most of the vegetables from the big planter are flowering thanks to the vacation drought they suffered.
- The maples are all green, which is bad because I wanted to separate them when they were still on their slumber. I guess I will have to be extra careful not to damage to roots
- The calla lily are out and growing. After their initial sprout this winter I got them in the soil to let them rest a bit more, but now they are out again.
- The strawberries keep growing strong, and they insist on flowering. I will continue to cut them until the plants are stronger, buy I will let them propagate to have a backup strawberry pot.
- Sadly, the tulips are gone. A strong wind took them away last weekend. Most tulips around survived and are still going strong, so I guess mines were weak from the vacation drought.
- I got two new 60 litter planters for the tomatoes and chilies. The garden is going to be so full.
- The big red rose is still sick, but getting better every day. I hope it will get better. The little yellow rose is starting to show like it will bloom soon.
All around, the garden is doing great. I look forward to the rest of the season.
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My best hope for those in Japan. You can help donate here.
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Donation For Japan Earthquake 11th March 2011
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Looks wonderful. We are still waiting on spring. The grass is greening, thanks to some irrigation and a small amount of rain/snow. The daffodils are at their peek, and the flowering trees will soon burst forth. You are doing well with your patio garden. It must be great to come home at the end of the day to a beautiful little Japanese garden.
ReplyDeletefer, I'm always astounded at how many plants you are able to care for in such a small space. You have such a bountiful garden, it's a real inspiration.
ReplyDeleteFer, seems like you have settled in nicely in your new place. The garden is looking good, I am looking forward to seeing your new Calla Lilies.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to seeing what you can do. Your achievements at your last place were impressive enough, but I expect that with more space and more experience your garden will be even better this year.
ReplyDeleteIt seems not possible to fit all that on one balcony?!
ReplyDeleteTell us about the cartoon, the artist?
How beautiful, spring in Japan is so very gorgeous with all the cherry in blossom.
ReplyDeleteall the blooming flowers are so pretty!
ReplyDeleteSo many bright colours blooming in your balcony.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much! is great seeing the garden blooming.
ReplyDeleteElephant's Eye ~ I am not sure who is the artist. Since the earthquake, I have been collecting many inspiring images related, but I lost track where did I got them all. I will look around see if I can find it
What a pleasant delight to have so many bright blooms in your garden!!